Thursday, December 2, 2010


It's been just under a month since my inspired first blog. I apologize.

Like most American girls just out of undergrad I am suffering from a prolonged state of unemployment. In addition, there is a crippling inability to make a decision about my future.

If not blogging and not working, what am I doing?

Catching up on television shows that I missed while in Europe, staring at my personal statement rough draft, hopelessly sending out resumes...

I began to knit headbands which worked to alleviate my depression from lack of productiveness for a while...and then the allure of that faded once December hit.

Today, I began a new brainstorm for personal statement ideas, and decided to re-read all of my old textbooks and download some interesting journal articles in the area I plan to study in graduate school.

I'm the master of prep-work, it's the follow-through I find tedious. I'm an idea person, that's the fun part...the work itself, beneath me. I just need to remind myself that I'm not at the point in my life where I get to be so picky. Stick it out, balls to the walls, carpe diem, blah-ditty-blah-blah-blah. I think I need a drink. (Though no more coffee-as you might have noticed, I've had enough of that for today)

To keep myself on the right track, I'm vowing to chronicle my progress--or lack thereof. I owe it to myself.

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